Chesterton 1830 is an advanced, expanded, graphite PTFE packing made up of filaments developed to meet rigid specifications. It is well-suited for use in pumps, valves, agitators, mixers, and other rotating equipment. The PTFE resin is combined with graphite and expanded by using the latest technologies, resulting in a high-quality filament.??
Chesterton 1830 9,5mm (Fluograf)
10.862 kr.
Grafít PTFE pakkning
Hitaþol: 260°C
Hámarksþrýstingur: 22 bör/g
Hámarks öxulhraði: 18m/s
Mjög gott efnaþol
Lágur núningsstuðull og því lítil hitamyndun og fer vel með öxla og efni
Langur líftími og góð þétting