For straight and secure guidance
Splinter protection reduces tears when sawing
Adhesive coating for safe, non-slip surface contact as well as protection of the workpiece surface
With holes to fix the rail to the workpiece and for hanging storage
Can be extended in length with the second guide rail and FSV connector (accessory)
Compatible with many circular saws of other manufacturers that are suited for use with guide rails (Hikoki, Festool, Bosch, Makita, Hilti and others)
With practical carry bag for safe storage and transport
Réttskeið f. hjólsagir 160 cm
41.099 kr.
160cm löng réttskeið / land fyrir stingsagir, hjólsagir og fræsara frá Metabo.
Hentar einnig með hjólsögum frá mörgu öðrum framleiðendum (Hikoki, Festool, Bosch, MAkita, Hilti og fleiri)
Vörunúmer: ME629011700
Flokkar: Rafmagnsverkfæri, Metabo, Aukahlutir rafmagnsverkfæra, Vörur eftir framleiðendum